Cumulus Architects is taking part in Doors Open 2019 as part of the Open Studio Program. Come by 160 Pears on Sunday to meet our talented designers, see our model shop in action, take a virtual walk to site and learn about our current work. We will be "Doors Open" Sunday may 26th from 10am-5pm.
KingsClub Development to Transform Portion of King Street West
The KingsClub Mixed-Use Development, stretching a full city block on King Street West, was recently featured in the Globe and Mail, profiling its anticipated contribution to the surrounding area. KingsClub is a mix of retail, residential, office and outdoor space over 475,000 square feet.
CN Tower Video Tour
Cumulus Shortlisted for Michael Garron Hospital - AFP Pursuit
Cumulus designs Freshii for Liberty Village
Cumulus is proud to announce our design for a new Freshii healthy food restaurant in Liberty Village! Responding to site conditions, the design concept took the form of a building within a building – a pavilion tucked carefully into the existing building lobby.
3080 Yonge St. Giving Transit a Front Door
The drive for this project, located at one of Toronto’s busiest street corners – Yonge and Lawrence, was not only to upgrade an aging office complex and add rentable retail space, but also to boost the building’s presence at the street corner and better connect it with other existing facilities and infrastructure.
Officially Launched!
Last Thursday, we celebrated the launch of Cumulus Architects at our office in Liberty Village. With our next door neighbour, JackieO Event’s help, we transformed our parking lot into a great patio area and welcomed friends and guests that represents all fields of the building industry.